Tiger and Lion Pictures

Hey guys. I am an amteur photographer and Love taking pictures. I like to get feedback on my photos so I have posted a few Lion and Tiger pictures on my blog. I would like to get some feedback or advice if there are any other photography lovers out there. Here are a few pictures with all the rest on my other blog Lion and Tiger pictures

Here is one of my Tiger shots

Tiger prowl

Tiger prowl

Here is one of my Lion pictures

Lion Close-up

Lion Close-up

If you want to see the rest of my pictures check out my personal blog Lions and Tigers


Leave a comment on this post as well if you would like 😛

Awesome ALIEN Street Performer – The best Melbourne Street Performers

I thought this street performer was pretty cool. I am adding my top 5 favourite street performers so keep an eye on my blog!

Vodpod videos no longer available.